Valley Insulation: How is Cellulose Insulation Made?

How is Cellulose Insulation Made? Valley Insulation has the Answers

Cellulose Insulation Bag Scoop

At Valley Insulation, we want to make sure that our customers have all the facts they need to make an informed decision about their home. We offer the best insulating materials for all of our customers, and cellulose insulation is no exception. Cellulose insulation is an exceptional product, offering top-quality insulating properties along with advanced safety features that meet strict government safety standards. Valley Insulation brings you the best, and today we will show you how it’s made.

It All Begins with Your Morning Newspaper

Cellulose insulation starts with recycled paper from your community. When you are finished with paper products in your home and toss them in the recycling bin, that’s the first step to producing excellent quality insulation for homeowners across the United States. Cellulose insulation is made using 80% recycled materials, including your morning newspaper.

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Cellulose Insulation Helps Recycling Centers Become Profit Centers

When your recycled newspaper is received by the local recycling center, it is sorted and separated into different levels of quality. The best quality paper material is sorted out and marked for redistribution; pizza boxes and newspapers soaked with spilled coffee don’t make the cut. The best quality paper is purchased by manufacturers of recycled paper products, generating revenue that supports the recycling center. So your home cellulose insulation helps recycling centers produce profits and keep the system going.

The Recycled Material is Shipped to Manufacturers All Across America

American workers at regional cellulose insulation manufacturing facilities receive the recycled paper and load it onto a massive conveyor belt. This is where the real work begins. The paper moves along the conveyor belt and is shredded into small strips roughly three inches long. Then the paper shreds are spun while being exposed to powerful magnets that remove staples, paper clips and any other pieces of metal.

At this point, after being shredded and magnetized, the paper is mixed with a powdered borate-salt compound. This non-toxic compound is churned evenly into the shredded paper mix, making the final product fire resistant, pest resistant, and anti-fungal. The result is a UL Class 1 Rated fire resistant product, which also protects against pests, mold and mildew. The paper mix is put through a fiberizer, a machine that finely shreds the paper into tiny pieces of fiber and churns the pieces into a loose-fill mix.

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Stringent safety tests are performed on the final product, ensuring that the material is fully in compliance with Federal safety standards. Now the cellulose insulation is ready to be pressed, packaged and shipped out for installation in your home by the pros at Valley Insulation.

At Valley Insulation We Know Our Products, From Start to Finish

At Valley Insulation, we offer the best products for your home. With more than 40 years of professional experience, we know our products front to back. When you are ready to make an investment in your home, choose Valley Insulation for experienced installation, industry-leading products, and excellent customer service. Contact us today for more information about the benefits of cellulose insulation for your home.

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